9 Facts on Why Journaling Improves Wellness

You may be thinking, “Ugh journaling is another way to be healthier? Can’t it be as simple as the ‘right’ foods + a sprinkle of exercise = a healthy, long life?” I wish life could be like that, but in reality, it takes a little complexity (juggling physical, mental, spiritual, emotional) to achieve seemingly simple results (health). Trying to grow in any facet of health (yes, even journaling!) catapults into growth in other areas. 

What I’m trying to say is, although it may seem like an added chore to figure out how emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health all intertwine, the best thing to do is focus on one thing for the week or the month– maybe for you that will be journaling– and see the other areas you begin to grow. I don’t mean it’ll just happen without effort, but as you decide to take one step toward improving health, you realize you are capable of doing that step consistently. Shifting to the growth mindset comes with a desire to make a change in another area, and another, and another, and before you know it, you’re fulfilling the potential God sees in you! We can physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually glorify God. Prioritizing health is a way to do that!

I believe, based on Scripture, there is no end to what we can accomplish while following the Holy Spirit.

I’ll get off my soapbox and get back to where journaling comes into play. As is being talked about more, our mental state plays a significant role in overall health, hence ‘mental health’. A couple values of journaling found in a study were as a research method and as a therapeutic strategy. We’ll focus on the last for the purpose of health, since I doubt you’ll find research writing is a pronounced factor to improve your well-being (even if I might).

The facts about journaling
  • Helps you recognize and confront the challenges you face
  • Clarifies possible jumbled thoughts and feelings
  • Learn more about yourself
  • Reduces symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
  • Strengthens immune cells called T-lymphocytes
  • Reduces symptoms of asthma 
  • Known to aid in the educational learning process
  • Lessens intensity of painful emotions
  • Defines ways to improve and achieve goals

It’s also safe to say that different types of journals will benefit different areas of our lives. Professional versus personal, spiritual versus self-expression, each can help us learn different aspects of ourselves and improve our financial, spiritual, physical, or mental health.

My challenge to you; write down your anxieties, worries, fears, negative thoughts. Cross them out and write down next to each of them a strength, positive, overcoming statement. Proverbs 12 is a great reminder that a good word lightens the load on a heart and makes it glad. 🙂

I treat my daily journaling as a place to track my prayers and honestly vent to God about everything under the sun! Yes, He knows our thoughts, but the benefits of writing them down are listed above! I like to write as a prayer to God because it means I am actively partaking in relationship with Him– one of the best parts of my day! If you are a Believer, I highly encourage writing prayers down. When you go back and read written prayers, you truly see God at work answering them (even if it is months or years later). He remembers everything we’ve ever prayed for and is working all things together for good (Romans 8:28).
Let’s nourish our whole selves…and our pen and paper;)

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